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How to Connect to SSH on cPanel Using SSH Keys

SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol that provides a secure method to access another computer or server. You'll need to configure an SSH Key first, ensuring that you've authorized it, for it to work.

Once done, you can follow the steps in this article to learn how you can connect to SSH on cPanel using SSH keys.

How to Connect to SSH on cPanel Using SSH Keys

Here are detailed instructions on how to connect to SSH using your SSH Keys.

Important: The following steps require a PuTTY application, your SSH Key username and password, and a downloaded PPK file of your configured SSH. If you haven’t done it yet, please visit our guide to learn view, download, and convert SSH key.

Step 1. Open your PuTTY application.
Step 2. Enter your Host Name or IP Address in the appropriate field. You can enter your domain name as the Host Name.
PuTTY application host name text box
Step 3. On the left-side menu, click the [+] Icon beside Connection to expand the list. Then click [+] SSH to expand the list.
connection and ssh expand list on PuTTY application
Step 4. Under SSH, select Auth and click Browse.
browse button to open downloaded PPK file from cPanel
Step 5. Search for and select your PPK file, then click Open.
open button to access PPK file on PuTTY application
If a PuTTY Security Alert prompts, just click Yes to proceed.

Step 6. Enter your cPanel username and SSH Key password in the box that opens.
command line to enter SSH key to connect

Congratulations! You just successfully connected to SSH using your SSH Keys. You can now securely view, edit, create and delete website files. If you need any further assistance, or if you have any questions, please let us know. We’d love to help!

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