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Online Support Affiliate Program

How does the Affiliate Program work?

We've transferred to a new affiliate platform. Check our new affiliate program guides for you to get started.

The Affiliate Program allows you to make a commission on the sales of our products and services, which have been made as a result of advertising Crazy Domains, through the banners and advertisements you have placed on your website, blog, newsletter, or social network sites on our behalf.

To learn more about the tools you can use to promote us through the Affiliate Program, follow the links below:

Once you've set up your Banner Ads and Links, every transaction is monitored by the program. When a visitor's transaction results in a sale for our company, a percentage of this sale will be added to your Affiliate Account.

Note: Our Affiliate Program doesn't require any fees and is absolutely free and easy to set up. You'll create new sources of income with very little effort.

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