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How To Set Up Email Forwarding With Premium DNS

The Email Forwarding feature becomes available in your Account Manager’s DNS settings when you upgrade to Premium DNS. This feature allows you to forward all your domain’s incoming email messages to another email address.

Complete the following steps to set up your email forwarding.

  1. Set Up Email Forwarding
  2. Update the Necessary DNS Settings

Step 1: Set Up Email Forwarding

To forward all incoming emails from one email address to another through your Account Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. Access the domain that you want to manage.
  3. On the domain page, scroll down to the DNS Settings – Premium section.

    Note: If you do not have a Premium DNS yet, locate the DNS Settings section, click the Upgrade button, and then follow the instructions.

  4. Now, click the hamburger menu, and then click Email Forward from the drop-down list.
  5. Specify the email address in the Email text box, and then enter the receiving email address in the Forward to this Email text box.

    IMPORTANT: If you want to set up the email forwarding for all of your domain emails, enter the asterisk (*) symbol in the Email text box, and then enter the receiving email address in the Forward to this Email text box.

  6. Now, click Update.

IMPORTANT: If you want to remove the email forwarding, click Modify from the applicable option in Email Forward. Click Delete in the right section of the applicable option, and then click Update.

Step 2: Update the Necessary DNS Settings

  1. On the Account Manager DNS settings, add or replace the MX Record of the main domain with the following values:
    Sub Domain Priority Assign To Server
    (Leave it blank) 1 mx1.dnspackage.com

    Note: Make sure this is the only MX record of the main domain in your DNS settings.

  2. Ensure the domain name is connected to the following name servers for the settings to work:

    For accounts with UK locale
    • ns1.crazydomains.com
    • ns2.crazydomains.com
    For other locales
    • ns1.dnspackage.com
    • ns2.dnspackage.com

    See How To Change the Name Servers of My Domain.

  3. Wait for the DNS changes to fully resolve on the internet.

IMPORTANT: Changes to the Name Servers and DNS records will take two to four hours to fully work on the internet. However, some ISPs have their TTL duration that could override our maximum DNS resolution time. It may cause the changes to take up to 24-48 hours to fully work.

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