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Change Account Manager Password

The Account Manager password is one of the important details of your account. Without it, you can't access your Crazy Domains account. We recommend changing it regularly to improve your account protection. So, whether you're changing it for security purposes, or you've forgotten it, this guide will help you change or reset your account password.

Table of Contents

  1. Changing Your Account Password for Security Purposes
  2. Recovering a Lost Password
  3. Assisted Account Access Recovery

Changing Your Account Password for Security Purposes

If you feel the need to change your password for security purposes, you can update it by following the steps below.

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. On the left sidebar of your Account Manager, click My Profile.
  3. On the MY DETAILS tab, click SECURITY.
  4. In the Login Info section, enter your current password in the Current Password textbox.
  5. In the New Password textbox, enter your new password.
  6. Click SAVE.

Changing Your Account Password for Security Purposes

If you feel the need to change your password for security purposes, you can update it by following the steps below.

  1. On your Crazy Domains Account, click the EDIT PROFILE button.
  2. On your account profile page, click the Security tab.
  3. Enter your current password.
  4. On the next textbox, enter your new password.
  5. Click the Save button, and you're done.

Recovering a Lost Password

As much as we always want to remember our passwords, we can't avoid forgetting them sometimes. Don't worry! You can reset your password easily. Just go to the Lost Password page, enter your account email address or username, and click the Send button.

Once done, you will receive the password reset link to your account's email address. Open the link and set a new password there, and you're good.

Note: The reset link will instantly expire once you have successfully changed your password using it. However, if the reset link remains unused, it will only be valid within 30 days upon receipt.

Assisted Account Access Recovery (AAAR)

Sometimes, bad stuff happens. We can't reset our password because we lack access to the account's email address too. Not a problem! See our Assisted Account Access Recovery process to know the steps in recovering your account or domain.

Sometimes, bad stuff happens. We can't reset our password because we lack access to the account's email address too. Not a problem! Here's what you can do to recover your Crazy Domains account access.

Step 1:

Send the appropriate requirements to help@crazydomains.com. Find the set of requirements you need to send based on the following scenarios:


If the name of the account you want to recover is an exact match of your name, or if you are the registrant of the domain name you want to access, submit the following requirements:

  • A clear copy of your valid ID.
  • A signed request letter using the template A.
  • IMPORTANT: If your account has an associated business, we require the request letter with business letterhead.


This is to notify you that I am requesting to change the email address of my account, with Customer ID (Mxxxxxx).

Current Email Address: (current@email.com)

New Email Address: (new@email.com)

I, (name) confirm that the domain name/s (domain/s) is owned & operated by me and I am authorised to manage the domain name/s.

I confirm that all information in this letter is true and correct, and I will be liable for any complaints, legal claims, or damages brought against us for this change of access information.

I also understand that this request may result in moving my domain(s) to a new account when deemed necessary.


If you are the owner of the business or company name listed as the account holder of the account you want to recover, or owner of the business or company listed as the registrant of the domain name you want to access, submit the following requirements:

  • A clear copy of your valid ID.
  • A copy of the Business Document that shows your name as the owner of the business that is associated with the account (e.g.,Company Extract from ASIC for businesses in Australia, Bizfile from ACRA for businesses in Singapore ).
  • A signed request letter using the template B.
  • IMPORTANT: The Business Document may no longer needed for the following scenarios:

    • The business owner can be validated via government hosted websites, like New Zealand Companies Office.
    • The business name is an exact match of the account holder's name (Sole Trader)


This is to notify you that I am requesting to change the email address of my account, with Customer ID (Mxxxxxx).

Current Email Address: (current@email.com)

New Email Address: (new@email.com)

I, (name), confirm that the domain name/s (domain/s) is owned & operated by (business name) and as (title), I am authorised to act on behalf of this business and manage the domain name/s.

I confirm that all information in this letter is true and correct, and I will be liable for any complaints, legal claims, or damages brought against us for this change of access information.

I also understand that this request may result in moving my domain(s) to a new account when deemed necessary.

Step 2:

Wait for us to get back to you regarding your request. We will validate your requirements as soon as we receive them. Once they are validated, we will replace the account's email address with the one you have stated on your request. After that, we will send the password reset link to the new email address for you to set the new password.

IMPORTANT: Depending on the scenario and rights of the requester over the account, we may only allow you to access specific domain names that you own by transferring them to a new account.

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